Instead of pundits and shills, how about an Iraqi?

For an Iraqi perspective on the death of Zarqawi, here’s Riverbend of Baghdad Burning (hat tip: Pablo, who doesn’t have a blog but should):
"A new day for Iraqis" is the current theme of the Iraqi puppet government and the Americans. Like it was "A New Day for Iraqis" on April 9, 2003 . And it was "A New Day for Iraqis" when they killed Oday and Qusay. Another "New Day for Iraqis" when they caught Saddam. More "New Day" when they drafted the constitution… I'm beginning to think it's like one of those questions they give you on IQ tests: If 'New' is equal to 'More' and 'Day' is equal to 'Suffering', what does "New Day for Iraqis" mean?

How do I feel? To hell with Zarqawi (or Zayrkawi as Bush calls him). He was an American creation- he came along with them- they don't need him anymore, apparently. His influence was greatly exaggerated but he was the justification for every single family they killed through military strikes and troops. It was WMD at first, then it was Saddam, then it was Zarqawi. Who will it be now? Who will be the new excuse for killing and detaining Iraqis? Or is it that an excuse is no longer needed- they have freedom to do what they want. The slaughter in Haditha months ago proved that. "They don't need him anymore," our elderly neighbor waved the news away like he was shooing flies, "They have fifty Zarqawis in government."
Fortunately, I think the American people no longer believe in Bush’s PR stunts. But some in our media still do (how many “Bush had a good week” stories do we have to see?). I’m not sure how all Iraqi’s feel, but it’s pretty clear that at least one thinks Zarqawi’s death doesn’t mean a thing.


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