"50,000 troops there for years to come"

Remember back when I asked when we get to leave Iraq, in the post 2010, an Iraq Odyssey? Well, 2010 is looking optimistic, if the current noise coming out of the administration is to be believed. I always suspected the long-term bases being built undercut the administration’s assertions that we’d “stand down as soon as the Iraqis stood up.” Via Atrios and ThinkProgress, here’s the New York Times:

Mr. Bush on Friday made clear that the American commitment to the country will be long-term. Officials say the administration has begun to look at the costs of maintaining a force of roughly 50,000 troops there for years to come, roughly the size of the American presence maintained in the Philippines and Korea for decades after those conflicts.

I can’t believe the ridiculous neo-con agenda of projecting power into the Middle East still has any credibility with anyone, given the horror Iraq has become. Let’s hope the American people will have none of this. Can you imagine the antagonism that 50,000 American troops permanently stationed in Iraq would create?


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