CNN, Fox News, CSPAN, MSNBC, Comedy Central...

It’s a sad state of affairs when comedians are better journalists than…journalists. Crooks and Liars (a great site) has this video of Jon Stewart interviewing Ken Mehlman, Chariman of the Republican National Committee. Here some analysis from Kos diarist Kevin lyda:
I think this comment by Mehlman at the last few seconds of the clip sums up the problem with the news media in America these days. The context is Stewart complimenting him on being sent out by the GOP to tv shows and talking up the GOP:
"Although - I chose to go on this show. So. I don't know if they put me on this one. This is harder than most."
This is harder than most.
A fake news show on a cable comedy channel. Harder than most.
If I had Tim Russert's address I'd put that quote on a postcard and send it to him. That quote is a job performance review and if it was directed at me, I'd change careers.
Sometimes I wonder if all the progressive blogosphere griping (such as this from The Huffington Post) about the sycophantic Washington press is really merited. Then I see that the only person on TV asking tough questions is a frickin’ comedian. Yes, I understand that to get good sources you have to build relationships. But can you really report on someone and ask them tough questions, when you’re kissing their ass?

[Dear Google ads: Yes, I use the word “Republican” in my posts, but please don’t let your algorithm think this is a pro-Republican blog. It is not. I think Republicans suck at governing this country. Maybe you can use some of the vast store of computing power you’re building out in Oregon to give you’re your Google ad selection algorithm a little more intelligence.]


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